China-Made Lego Darth Vader, Minecraft Steve and Creeper

Today i went to our favorite mall after visiting the Japan Consulate and found out that the toy i was waiting for has finally been made and being sold. A china-made knock-off of the Lego Darth Vader.

I bought Vader together with other minecraft knock-offs for only 45pesos or 1US Dollar! I thought China toy makers would never pirate Lego Darth Vader because they would incur the wrath of Lego but it seems they have the power of the Dark Side of the force helping them.

There was also a new set of Iron Man minifigures with new colours and armor but only one minfigure was left of the set so i did not buy it. I regret not taking a picture of the Iron Man set.

Tomorrow i will take a better picture of the china Darth Vader beside the Real Lego Darth Vader and you can see just how good the quality of the china Darth Vader is.

Here are the pictures. I swapped Lord Vader's Helmet with the Creeper so you can call them Creep Vader and Darth Creeper. I also specially liked Steve because of his blocky pixelated self and his 8bit sword and pickaxe.
