Game Concept: Adventure meta game

the story starts: you go to a site and download a beta of an upcoming open-source real time strategy game, and discover that you may have uncovered a conspiracy of epic proportions...

it would be an adventure game, but not really a game where you have to download and play, to solve the puzzles and progress with the story the player would use software, internet technologies like websites, social networking, photos, real world locations (where clues are, you can visit for real or get the clues from photos), music, movies and every imaginable media.

and it would be great for it to have an open-ended ending, it should be gripping, make the player think that he/she is part of a conspiracy unfolding in real time, reading blog posts, forum posts or sending and receiving email

the game might take a couple of hours to two days to finish, a world-wide conspiracy of  epic proportions that is coming to an end and the player is caught in the middle of it's climax.
