Game Concept: Build Commander

Build Commander is a fast paced real time strategy game that is played using keyboard commands only. In my mind i can see what a gamer will be doing when playing Build Commander...

- using keyboard only, the gamer will be typing keyboard commands to build up his base for resource gathering and military structures
- the user will also be typing commands to build units
- there will be a command that will either make the units seek and attack the enemy base automatically or group in a specific area
- the battle map will be divided into squares that will make up a grid, the grid coordinates will be used by the user to issue commands, like where to attack, where to regroup, where to build the next secret weapon silo, etc.
-i can see gamers in a match, typing fast commands in their keyboard to out-command its rival gamer.
-ultimately this will be a fast-paced real time strategy game, with a ultra sci-fi theme
-there will also be commands to select units, group units, select next unit, etc
-this game can also be played on tablets, with a virtual keyboard or a keyboard attached to the tablet
-the command system will be streamlined so there will be less frustration when selecting units and setting locations and building structures
-there will be very few core commands to get the game started so the game will have the 'easy to learn hard to master' ideology.
-and as you enjoy the game, advanced key commands will be there and customizable to suite your playing style
-maybe macro command support?
-there should be an online match-making service too. 

on a strategic level of gameplay styles, a player can
-build many structures that auto creates units that just auto seeks and destroy the enemy
-build many defensive structures that auto attacks the enemy
-build and control small groups of units for strategic attacks
-create super weapons that you can deploy battleship style

i like this game concept because when a game is easy to learn and matches become frantic easily, it is a kind of game that can entertain you, make you relaxed (after a day's work, a busy day in school, or a long dinner with your girlfriend/boyfriend/parents) and just basically take your mind of from real life's stress and problems, and yet it can also be really competitive!
