I suggest a new strategy R2, let the wookie win

Many gadgets today, both used by normal people and by the military have been inspired by the many technologies found in the Star Wars movies

I am very hopefully that i will get to see the holographic table top board gaming platform in my lifetime.

 To see your game characters and enemies in a holographic format as You play would be trully amazing. But when you will be able to move pieces that are holograms buy actually picking them up and putting them is something else entirely. Something that would change they way games will be played. The 3D gaming technology has come a long way, from its low polygon count games like 3D Realms' Duke Nukem 3D to Nintendo's 3DS. Somehow some company will be able to market 4d games to the everyday consumer, then the Holographic game revolution will be next.

 It is indeed not so far far away...
